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How a concert can change your life

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

I think it’s riveting in life how we can all hold an artist in our hearts.

For me, a lover of music, I hold many artists in my heart. But I hold a unique place in my heart for Lorde.

I was first introduced to Lorde in grade nine, probably the harshest year in my life. It was the worst year for numerous reasons but let’s be honest, grade nine typically sucks for many people.

Genuinely, high school in its entirety sucks for many people. Lorde truly got me through it.

Her first album Pure Heroine was released in Sept. 2013, the same time I started high school.

The album deals with the normal ups and downs of a sixteen-year-olds life, which fourteen-year-old me could sympathize with.

While this album was truly mesmerizing and stayed with me during the four years I spent in high school. It was the album she released in my first year of college that was truly important.

After taking an almost four-year hiatus, she returned with her sophomore album Melodrama. I find this album encapsulates exactly what it means to be thrown into young adulthood.

While I‘ve been a huge fan of Lorde from the beginning, I had never gone to a concert or performance of hers until Mar. 29, 2018.

Only two concerts (COIN & Lorde), out of the more than ten I‘ve been to, have I ever felt like I was home.

At Lorde, I openly cried. I screamed lyrics that felt like they were written by myself. I have never felt so comfortable dancing, screaming or crying in my entire life. I felt like my soul was truly liberated.

While this sounds completely cliche and ridiculous, I have truly never felt more comfortable in my life. It was so graceful and moving.

Every song on Melodrama brings up another little part of me. Everyone of Lorde‘s songs even not on the album has a piece of me in them.

That’s why it was so liberating and moving at the concert, because I was shouting along to songs that portray and reflect my being.

I think it’s essential for all of us to recognize artists, like I did with Lorde. Find an artist you can find yourself in.

Find someone who makes you feel like you again.

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